#duraspace IRC Log


IRC Log for 2009-11-24

Timestamps are in GMT/BST.

[0:20] * awoods (n=awoods@ Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[4:06] * DuraLogBot (n=PircBot@fedcommsrv1.nsdlib.org) has joined #duraspace
[4:06] * Topic is 'Welcome to DuraSpace - This channel is logged - http://duraspace.org/irclogs/'
[4:06] * Set by cwilper on Tue Jun 30 16:32:05 EDT 2009
[4:06] [freenode-connect VERSION]
[4:22] * mdiggory (n=mdiggory@ Quit ()
[4:36] * bradmc (n=bradmc@207-172-69-79.c3-0.smr-ubr3.sbo-smr.ma.static.cable.rcn.com) Quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[4:36] * bradmc_ (n=bradmc@207-172-69-79.c3-0.smr-ubr3.sbo-smr.ma.static.cable.rcn.com) has joined #duraspace
[4:36] * bradmc_ is now known as bradmc
[6:14] * stuartlewis (n=stuartle@gendiglt02.lbr.auckland.ac.nz) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[7:47] * bradmc (n=bradmc@207-172-69-79.c3-0.smr-ubr3.sbo-smr.ma.static.cable.rcn.com) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[7:47] * bradmc_ (n=bradmc@207-172-69-79.c3-0.smr-ubr3.sbo-smr.ma.static.cable.rcn.com) has joined #duraspace
[7:47] * bradmc_ is now known as bradmc
[8:00] * bradmc (n=bradmc@207-172-69-79.c3-0.smr-ubr3.sbo-smr.ma.static.cable.rcn.com) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[8:07] * bradmc (n=bradmc@ has joined #duraspace
[8:57] * bradmc (n=bradmc@ Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[9:06] * bradmc (n=bradmc@207-172-69-79.c3-0.smr-ubr3.sbo-smr.ma.static.cable.rcn.com) has joined #duraspace
[9:08] * mdiggory (n=mdiggory@cpe-76-176-9-20.san.res.rr.com) has joined #duraspace
[9:14] * tdonohue (n=tdonohue@ has joined #duraspace
[9:40] * justben (n=ben@hypatia.library.emory.edu) has joined #duraspace
[10:54] * sbayliss (n=IceChat7@78-86-0-203.zone2.bethere.co.uk) has joined #duraspace
[10:55] * bradmc (n=bradmc@207-172-69-79.c3-0.smr-ubr3.sbo-smr.ma.static.cable.rcn.com) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[10:56] * bradmc (n=bradmc@207-172-69-79.c3-0.smr-ubr3.sbo-smr.ma.static.cable.rcn.com) has joined #duraspace
[11:00] * barmintor (i=barminto@specdl11.cul.columbia.edu) has joined #duraspace
[11:01] * Dan_Davis (i=43f11873@gateway/web/freenode/x-fobwjzzzulgoqfjk) has joined #duraspace
[11:02] <cwilper> http://fedora-commons.org/confluence/display/FCREPO/2009-11-24+-+Committer+Meeting
[11:04] * Asger_ (i=4dd72759@gateway/web/freenode/x-lnypfuwcxnpplzlw) has joined #duraspace
[11:10] * sbayliss (n=IceChat7@78-86-0-203.zone2.bethere.co.uk) Quit ("bye!")
[11:10] * sbayliss (n=IceChat7@78-86-0-203.zone2.bethere.co.uk) has joined #duraspace
[11:11] * sbayliss is now known as sbayliss_
[11:12] * sbayliss_ is now known as sbayliss
[11:19] <barmintor> Configurations like fedora.server.storage.GSearchDOManager would have to change
[11:22] <cwilper> RE: Changing fedora package to org.fcrepo for 3.3 release:
[11:22] <cwilper> - Want to give people lead time
[11:22] <cwilper> - LLStore and FedoraClient as possible areas of incompatibility
[11:25] <cwilper> - Possible dual-availability in different package name of FedoraClient and LLStore interfaces for a release
[11:27] <cwilper> Action: we'll change this after the 3.3 release an announce it
[11:28] <barmintor> +1
[11:33] <cwilper> Action: move localservices and fedora as under webapp module before 3.3
[11:35] * awoods (n=awoods@c-76-123-107-37.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has joined #duraspace
[11:35] <cwilper> https://fedora-commons.org/jira/browse/FCREPO/fixforversion/10171
[11:51] <cwilper> https://fedora-commons.org/confluence/display/DEV/Current+and+Proposed+REST+API+comparison
[11:54] * birkland (i=805444c6@gateway/web/freenode/x-xxipeynyarogczev) has joined #duraspace
[12:05] * mdiggory (n=mdiggory@cpe-76-176-9-20.san.res.rr.com) Quit ()
[12:12] <cwilper> http://www.slideshare.net/hvdsomp/memento-time-travel-for-the-web
[12:53] * bradmc (n=bradmc@207-172-69-79.c3-0.smr-ubr3.sbo-smr.ma.static.cable.rcn.com) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[12:54] * bradmc (n=bradmc@207-172-69-79.c3-0.smr-ubr3.sbo-smr.ma.static.cable.rcn.com) has joined #duraspace
[12:55] * Asger_ (i=4dd72759@gateway/web/freenode/x-lnypfuwcxnpplzlw) Quit ("Page closed")
[12:56] * Dan_Davis (i=43f11873@gateway/web/freenode/x-fobwjzzzulgoqfjk) Quit ("Page closed")
[12:58] * birkland (i=805444c6@gateway/web/freenode/x-xxipeynyarogczev) Quit ("Page closed")
[13:03] * mdiggory (n=mdiggory@ has joined #duraspace
[13:03] * barmintor (i=barminto@specdl11.cul.columbia.edu) has left #duraspace
[13:46] * sbayliss (n=IceChat7@78-86-0-203.zone2.bethere.co.uk) Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[14:45] * stuartlewis (n=stuartle@gendiglt02.lbr.auckland.ac.nz) has joined #duraspace
[14:52] * bradmc (n=bradmc@207-172-69-79.c3-0.smr-ubr3.sbo-smr.ma.static.cable.rcn.com) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
[14:52] * bradmc (n=bradmc@ has joined #duraspace
[16:01] * bradmc (n=bradmc@ Quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[16:39] * awoods (n=awoods@c-76-123-107-37.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:45] * bradmc (n=bradmc@207-172-69-79.c3-0.smr-ubr3.sbo-smr.ma.static.cable.rcn.com) has joined #duraspace
[17:43] * bradmc (n=bradmc@207-172-69-79.c3-0.smr-ubr3.sbo-smr.ma.static.cable.rcn.com) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:43] * bradmc (n=bradmc@207-172-69-79.c3-0.smr-ubr3.sbo-smr.ma.static.cable.rcn.com) has joined #duraspace
[17:52] * tdonohue (n=tdonohue@ has left #duraspace
[17:53] * justben (n=ben@hypatia.library.emory.edu) Quit ("Leaving.")
[20:34] * mdiggory (n=mdiggory@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:55] * cwilper (n=cwilper@74-44-155-90.dsl1-erie.roch.ny.frontiernet.net) has left #duraspace
[22:17] * bradmc (n=bradmc@207-172-69-79.c3-0.smr-ubr3.sbo-smr.ma.static.cable.rcn.com) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:17] * ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) Quit (leguin.freenode.net irc.freenode.net)
[22:17] * stuartlewis (n=stuartle@gendiglt02.lbr.auckland.ac.nz) Quit (leguin.freenode.net irc.freenode.net)
[22:17] * snail (n=stuart@ Quit (leguin.freenode.net irc.freenode.net)
[22:17] * kshepherd (i=kim@ec2-174-129-179-33.compute-1.amazonaws.com) Quit (leguin.freenode.net irc.freenode.net)
[23:05] * mdiggory (n=mdiggory@cpe-76-176-9-20.san.res.rr.com) has joined #duraspace
[23:21] * mdiggory (n=mdiggory@cpe-76-176-9-20.san.res.rr.com) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))

These logs were automatically created by DuraLogBot on irc.freenode.net using the Java IRC LogBot.