#duraspace IRC Log


IRC Log for 2012-01-12

Timestamps are in GMT/BST.

[6:54] -calvino.freenode.net- *** Looking up your hostname...
[6:54] -calvino.freenode.net- *** Checking Ident
[6:54] -calvino.freenode.net- *** Found your hostname
[6:55] -calvino.freenode.net- *** No Ident response
[6:55] * DuraLogBot (~PircBot@atlas.duraspace.org) has joined #duraspace
[6:55] * Topic is '[Welcome to DuraSpace - This channel is logged - http://irclogs.duraspace.org/]'
[6:55] * Set by cwilper!ad579d86@gateway/web/freenode/ip. on Fri Oct 22 01:19:41 UTC 2010
[9:34] * stevew (~stevew@lt91-128.eecs.qmul.ac.uk) has joined #duraspace
[10:01] * robint (81d746b9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #duraspace
[10:04] * robint (81d746b9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Client Quit)
[13:12] * elschlomo (~ruckus@HSI-KBW-078-042-098-211.hsi3.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) has joined #duraspace
[13:18] * mhwood (mwood@mhw.ulib.iupui.edu) has joined #duraspace
[13:31] * ajs6f (89369bdb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #duraspace
[13:39] * mdellabitta (~mdellabit@141.sub-174-252-60.myvzw.com) has joined #duraspace
[13:44] * EdAtTheAlliance (1809d1a2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #duraspace
[13:58] * sbayliss (bcde58ad@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #duraspace
[14:03] * Dan_Davis (4a4f9413@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #duraspace
[14:03] <Dan_Davis> eddie has had enough of objective C
[14:03] * eddies (~eddies@cm126.sigma9.maxonline.com.sg) has joined #duraspace
[14:03] * eddies (~eddies@cm126.sigma9.maxonline.com.sg) Quit (Changing host)
[14:03] * eddies (~eddies@unaffiliated/eddies) has joined #duraspace
[14:04] * mdellabitta (~mdellabit@141.sub-174-252-60.myvzw.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[14:05] <Dan_Davis> sure
[14:06] * cwilper (ad579fce@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #duraspace
[14:06] <Dan_Davis> sure
[14:06] <Dan_Davis> Chris reported about the DuraCloud for Research meeting at Philly.
[14:07] <Dan_Davis> Involves both DuraCloud and Fedora
[14:07] <Dan_Davis> heavily
[14:08] * barmintor_home (~ba2213@dyn-butler-159-126.dyn.columbia.edu) has joined #duraspace
[14:08] <Dan_Davis> Supports research(ers) data management and publication
[14:09] <barmintor_home> Morning all- no mic today, apologies!
[14:09] * barmintor_home is now known as barmintor
[14:09] <Dan_Davis> Need to incorporate information for new use cases
[14:09] <Dan_Davis> First subject is Shibboleth
[14:10] <Dan_Davis> Chris: add as little code a feasible
[14:11] <Dan_Davis> Chris: Video on Fedora Cloud sync
[14:12] <Dan_Davis> Chris talked to Jerry Pan about passing hints through Akubra
[14:12] <Dan_Davis> Adam: Does iRODS know
[14:14] <Dan_Davis> Adam will contact through Greg Jansen
[14:15] <Dan_Davis> Chris: Hints not used very much but good use needs to be discussed.
[14:15] <Dan_Davis> Adam: Authentication filter refactoring.
[14:16] <Dan_Davis> Have example for most use cases.
[14:17] <Dan_Davis> Likely will be able to remove almost everything from old package except perhaps Flash (need to talk to Bill Brannan)
[14:18] <Dan_Davis> Writing ITs
[14:18] <Dan_Davis> FeSL functions are funky
[14:20] <Dan_Davis> FeSL session functions are funky. Need to consider how to do better.
[14:20] <Dan_Davis> No docs so having to look over code.
[14:23] <Dan_Davis> Move Flash filter since into other current package
[14:24] <Dan_Davis> Think about rewrite of admin, maybe GSoC, likely HTML centric
[14:25] <Dan_Davis> Chris: Maybe do it in a hack-a-thon
[14:25] <Dan_Davis> Chris: Wants to be proven wrong.
[14:25] <Dan_Davis> Chris: Put a bounty on it.
[14:26] * tdonohue (~tdonohue@c-98-228-58-145.hsd1.il.comcast.net) has joined #duraspace
[14:26] <Dan_Davis> Chris: To what degree are we looking at Spring Security
[14:28] <Dan_Davis> Discussed issues with pipelining
[14:30] <Dan_Davis> Talk about this in more detail later.
[14:31] <Dan_Davis> Chris: Are there any other status updates.
[14:31] <Dan_Davis> Eddie: Steve created submodule for Client messaging.
[14:32] <Dan_Davis> Eddie: Got publishing to Maven central working including all dependencies.
[14:33] <Dan_Davis> Eddie: concerned about packaging for Client messaging to avoid duplication in modules.
[14:33] <Dan_Davis> Steve: Did not push refactoring so we are OK.
[14:34] <sbayliss> https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/FCREPO-1022 is the issue for this
[14:34] <kompewter> [ [#FCREPO-1022] Deprecate Messaging client - DuraSpace JIRA ] - https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/FCREPO-1022
[14:34] <Dan_Davis> Chris: One client library to rule them.
[14:36] <Dan_Davis> Chris: Should keep to JAX-RS and keep the libraries up to date
[14:38] <Dan_Davis> Chris: Moving to Free Conference Call next week
[14:38] <Dan_Davis> Eddies: Cautions about HifDef switch over
[14:39] <Dan_Davis> Dan: Suggests Dixie cupls and a lot of waxed string
[14:40] <Dan_Davis> Adam: What is state of CXF maintenance
[14:41] <Dan_Davis> Adam: Waxes lyrical about weaving in the CXF implementation.
[14:42] <eddies> https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/FCREPO-1047
[14:42] <kompewter> [ [#FCREPO-1047] auto-checksum failure - DuraSpace JIRA ] - https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/FCREPO-1047
[14:43] <Dan_Davis> Chris: foolishly volunteers to fix
[14:43] <cwilper> heh
[14:44] <cwilper> https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/FCREPO-1046
[14:44] <kompewter> [ [#FCREPO-1046] Improve Eclipse m2e support - DuraSpace JIRA ] - https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/FCREPO-1046
[14:45] <barmintor> I had to back down to Maven2 on osx/Lion to get Eclipse builds to work
[14:45] <barmintor> using Eclipse indigo as well
[14:45] <Dan_Davis> Eddie: Had to modify POM to get to work.
[14:46] <ajs6f> My experience mirrors Eddie's
[14:47] <cwilper> +1 to dixie cups
[14:48] <ajs6f> Tin cans have a significantly higher S/N.
[14:48] <Dan_Davis> Lots of interest. Problem may involve Maven 3 update in Eclipse.
[14:48] <Dan_Davis> Frank: Issues noted in compiling in Java 7
[14:50] <Dan_Davis> Chris: Trying build with "install
[14:50] <Dan_Davis> " Maven
[14:51] <eddies> https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/FCREPO-1045
[14:51] <cwilper> https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/FCREPO-1045
[14:51] <kompewter> [ [#FCREPO-1045] Error when attempting to modify a Managed RELS-EXT datastream's properties - DuraSpace JIRA ] - https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/FCREPO-1045
[14:51] <kompewter> [ [#FCREPO-1045] Error when attempting to modify a Managed RELS-EXT datastream's properties - DuraSpace JIRA ] - https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/FCREPO-1045
[14:52] <cwilper> Eddie wins: http://irclogs.duraspace.org/index.php?date=2012-01-12
[14:52] <kompewter> [ IRC Log for #duraspace on irc.freenode.net, collected by DuraLogBot ] - http://irclogs.duraspace.org/index.php?date=2012-01-12
[14:53] <barmintor> So 1045 FCREPO-1045 applies to DC, POLICY, RELS-EXT, RELS-INT?
[15:00] <sbayliss> https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/FCREPO-1044
[15:00] <kompewter> [ [#FCREPO-1044] modifyObject incorrectly uses the ownerID XACML resource attributeID URI for the new ownerID property supplied by the API method - DuraSpace JIRA ] - https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/FCREPO-1044
[15:00] <Dan_Davis> Chris: Fails to post the next issue.
[15:01] <cwilper> https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/FCREPO-1044
[15:01] <kompewter> [ [#FCREPO-1044] modifyObject incorrectly uses the ownerID XACML resource attributeID URI for the new ownerID property supplied by the API method - DuraSpace JIRA ] - https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/FCREPO-1044
[15:02] <Dan_Davis> Steve takes the bullet for the group.
[15:02] * barmintor (~ba2213@dyn-butler-159-126.dyn.columbia.edu) has left #duraspace
[15:02] * sbayliss (bcde58ad@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed)
[15:03] * EdAtTheAlliance (1809d1a2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed)
[15:03] * ajs6f (89369bdb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed)
[15:08] <cwilper> Thanks for note-taking Dan
[15:10] * cwilper (ad579fce@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed)
[15:27] * Dan_Davis (4a4f9413@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed)
[15:55] * elschlomo (~ruckus@HSI-KBW-078-042-098-211.hsi3.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[15:58] * stevew (~stevew@lt91-128.eecs.qmul.ac.uk) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[16:00] * stevew (~stevew@lt91-128.eecs.qmul.ac.uk) has joined #duraspace
[16:53] * scottatm (~scottatm@voyager108.evans.tamu.edu) Quit (Quit: scottatm)
[16:53] * scottatm (~scottatm@voyager108.evans.tamu.edu) has joined #duraspace
[17:25] * stevew (~stevew@lt91-128.eecs.qmul.ac.uk) Quit (Quit: stevew)
[18:40] * eddies (~eddies@unaffiliated/eddies) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[20:13] * benoitg (~benoitg@modemcable250.221-70-69.static.videotron.ca) has joined #duraspace
[20:39] * benoitg (~benoitg@modemcable250.221-70-69.static.videotron.ca) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[22:10] * mhwood (mwood@mhw.ulib.iupui.edu) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:01] * tdonohue (~tdonohue@c-98-228-58-145.hsd1.il.comcast.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

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