#duraspace IRC Log


IRC Log for 2017-06-28

Timestamps are in GMT/BST.

[6:32] -weber.freenode.net- *** Looking up your hostname...
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[6:32] -weber.freenode.net- *** Found your hostname
[6:32] -weber.freenode.net- *** No Ident response
[6:32] * DuraLogBot (~PircBot@webster.duraspace.org) has joined #duraspace
[6:32] * Topic is 'Welcome to DuraSpace IRC. This channel is used for formal meetings and is logged - http://irclogs.duraspace.org/'
[6:32] * Set by tdonohue on Thu Sep 15 17:49:38 UTC 2016
[11:18] * AlexS_zedat (~Alexander@home.zedat.fu-berlin.de) has joined #duraspace
[11:21] * AlexS[zedat] (~Alexander@home.zedat.fu-berlin.de) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[12:31] * mhwood (~mhwood@mhw.ulib.iupui.edu) has joined #duraspace
[14:11] * AlexS_zedat (~Alexander@home.zedat.fu-berlin.de) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[14:20] * AlexS[zedat] (~Alexander@home.zedat.fu-berlin.de) has joined #duraspace
[14:56] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <mwood> Reminder, our weekly DSpace Developers Meeting starts at the top of the hour.
[14:58] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <mwood> Sorry, didn't get an agenda written. Let's use last week's, since it's about the same: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/DevMtg+2017-06-21
[14:58] <kompewter> [ DevMtg 2017-06-21 - DSpace - DuraSpace Wiki ] - https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/DevMtg+2017-06-21
[15:00] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <mwood> Is anybody there?
[15:01] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <tom_desair> Yes
[15:02] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <mwood> Have we any 6.1 updates to discuss?
[15:03] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <tom_desair> We’ve divided the 6.1 TODO list is multiple subtasks: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/DSpace+Release+6.1+Status
[15:03] <kompewter> [ DSpace Release 6.1 Status - DSpace - DuraSpace Wiki ] - https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/DSpace+Release+6.1+Status
[15:04] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <mwood> I see that we're down to two high-priority tasks.
[15:04] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <terrywbrady> hello everyone
[15:04] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <tom_desair> Tickets that still need to be (re)tested: * DS-3579 Context mode and cache management for CLI * DS-2852 Discovery label fix for authority display value * DS-3522 Ensure Submission Policies are removed in XMLWorkflow * DS-3127 Whitelist of formats allowable in citation pdf url for google scholar * DS-3598 Language change causes Page not found in XMLUI
[15:04] <kompewter> [ https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-3579 ] - [DS-3579] Assess Context connection mode and cache management for DSpace CLI jobs - DuraSpace JIRA
[15:04] <kompewter> [ https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-2852 ] - [DS-2852] Discovery search labels show authority key instead of author name - DuraSpace JIRA
[15:05] <kompewter> [ https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-3522 ] - [DS-3522] Submission Resource Policy not correctly removed during XMLWorkflow - DuraSpace JIRA
[15:05] <kompewter> [ https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-3127 ] - [DS-3127] Create a &quot;whitelist&quot; of formats allowable in citation_pdf_url for Google Scholar (request from Google) - DuraSpace JIRA
[15:05] <kompewter> [ https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-3598 ] - [DS-3598] Localization of input-forms.xml in XMLUI - DuraSpace JIRA
[15:05] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <sulfrian> I can test DS-2852 again.
[15:05] <kompewter> [ https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-2852 ] - [DS-2852] Discovery search labels show authority key instead of author name - DuraSpace JIRA
[15:05] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <mwood> Thank you.
[15:06] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <terrywbrady> @tom_desair , thank you for the changes to DS-3579. Do you have any testing advice for this PR?
[15:06] <kompewter> [ https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-3579 ] - [DS-3579] Assess Context connection mode and cache management for DSpace CLI jobs - DuraSpace JIRA
[15:08] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <tom_desair> We’ve verified all CLI commands. But it would be good if you can double check the most important ones (filter-media, oai import, generate-sitemaps, export, import, harvest, …)
[15:10] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <terrywbrady> I will check a few of them. Should I be able to observe them to be faster?
[15:11] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <tom_desair> On very large repositories they should be faster. But the most important thing is that they aren’t broken.
[15:11] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <terrywbrady> I added myself as a reviewer/tester
[15:12] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <mwood> Agreed. If they work correctly, that's a good test.
[15:12] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <terrywbrady> With the approval from @mwood , I will plan to merge once I am done with testing
[15:12] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <terrywbrady> (approval already logged)
[15:13] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <tom_desair> It would be nice if the committers could already start merging stuff, but their focus should also be on the security related tickets.
[15:13] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <mwood> Who, me? Yes, let's get that merged and see it go out to all of the developers.
[15:16] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <tom_desair> No not merging the security tickets, but testing them. Sorry for the confusion.
[15:17] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <mwood> Yes, security tickets: testing; 3579: merge when satisfied that it works.
[15:18] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <tom_desair> Non-committers (like myself, Alexander, etc…) can focus on testing the other tickets.
[15:19] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <mwood> Yes.
[15:21] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <terrywbrady> I am contributing where I have clear direction. The TODO list has made it very easy to contribute.
[15:23] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <mwood> Any further discussion of 6.1, other than "continue testing and merging"?
[15:27] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <tom_desair> Not for me
[15:29] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <mwood> Other business? There are discussion items on the agenda that probably should wait until next week, when we may have more in attendance.
[15:30] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <mwood> Any other tickets or PRs needing immediate discussion?
[15:32] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <tom_desair> Kevin identified some missing indexes in the DSpace (5.x) DB schema. He’s going to create a PR once he tested the new DB indexes.
[15:32] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <mwood> Good. Thanks!
[15:35] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <tom_desair> maybe this one https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/pull/1786
[15:35] <kompewter> [ [DS-3498] Full Text Index Behavior on Public Items with Embargoed Bitstreams by jsavell · Pull Request #1786 · DSpace/DSpace · GitHub ] - https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/pull/1786
[15:36] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <tom_desair> TL;DR; The PR adds a configuration option to skip the full-text indexing of bitstreams that are under embargo.
[15:37] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <tom_desair> That means you cannot do a full text search on that bitstream ever, (not as administrator or not when the embargo expired).
[15:38] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <terrywbrady> That sounds like a smart option to add.
[15:38] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <tom_desair> Yes I like the approach that it’s optional.
[15:40] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <mwood> Travis is unhappy with it, but I suspect that the problem is in the test (java.lang.IllegalStateException: DSpace kernel cannot be null)
[15:40] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <terrywbrady> I remember investigating a similar issue. Perhaps it was related to full text of items with multiple bitstreams.
[15:41] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <tom_desair> Indeed. In DSpace 7 we might add some kind of trigger when an embargo expires so that the fulltext is eventually indexed.
[15:42] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <terrywbrady> Here is the ticket that I remember: https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-3495
[15:42] <kompewter> [ [DS-3495] Full text content in SOLR should carry the permissions of the source bitstream - DuraSpace JIRA ] - https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-3495
[15:42] <kompewter> [ https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-3495 ] - [DS-3495] Full text content in SOLR should carry the permissions of the source bitstream - DuraSpace JIRA
[15:43] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <mwood> We'll need changes to the old-style embargo lifter as well as a curation task to find expired embargoes.
[15:43] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <mwood> New-style embargoes, that is.
[15:44] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <tom_desair> and maybe clean up the resource policies
[15:45] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <mwood> I'm in two minds about that. It sounds right, but loses the information that "this object was embargoed until <date>." Maybe logging that is enough.
[15:46] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <terrywbrady> Here is a ticket for tracking embargo pmigration: https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-2588
[15:46] <kompewter> [ https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-2588 ] - [DS-2588] Remove or merge pre-3.0 Embargo functionality with new Embargo - DuraSpace JIRA
[15:46] <kompewter> [ [DS-2588] Remove or merge pre-3.0 Embargo functionality with new Embargo - DuraSpace JIRA ] - https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-2588
[15:49] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <tom_desair> So once we close that ticket, we can think about implementing an “embargo expired” trigger and reactions to that (index full text, log old embargo end date, e-mail users that previously requested a copy…)
[15:49] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <mwood> Yes.
[15:54] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <tom_desair> Just FYI there is a discussion going on in this ticket https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-2877 It would be nice to have more opinions and views on that ticket as well.
[15:54] <kompewter> [ https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-2877 ] - [DS-2877] Import of ScienceDirect metadata including embargo and linking to or embedding of the final version - DuraSpace JIRA
[15:54] <kompewter> [ [DS-2877] Import of ScienceDirect metadata including embargo and linking to or embedding of the final version - DuraSpace JIRA ] - https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-2877
[15:55] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <mwood> Thank you for bringing that up.
[15:56] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <tom_desair> That’s all fo rme
[15:56] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <mwood> I have nothing more.
[15:57] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <mwood> Anyone?
[15:58] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <terrywbrady> Nothing here.
[15:58] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <tom_desair> Ok, see you next week then!
[15:59] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <terrywbrady> I will talk to you all in 2 weeks!
[15:59] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <mwood> Meeting adjourned, then. See you next week (or 2).
[15:59] <DSpaceSlackBot1> <mwood> Thanks, all!
[21:03] * mhwood (~mhwood@mhw.ulib.iupui.edu) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)

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