#duraspace IRC Log


IRC Log for 2009-08-25

Timestamps are in GMT/BST.

[0:09] * bradmc (n=bradmc@207-172-69-79.c3-0.smr-ubr3.sbo-smr.ma.static.cable.rcn.com) Quit ()
[0:36] * stuartlewis (n=stuartle@gendiglt02.lbr.auckland.ac.nz) Quit ()
[2:27] * stuartlewis (n=stuartle@ has joined #duraspace
[3:39] * vy_ (i=814e4065@gateway/web/freenode/x-bqgjpazrlmxgjdoq) Quit ()
[4:17] * ben_atmire (n=ben_atmi@ has joined #duraspace
[4:32] * stuartlewis (n=stuartle@ Quit ()
[7:59] * bradmc (n=bradmc@207-172-69-79.c3-0.smr-ubr3.sbo-smr.ma.static.cable.rcn.com) has joined #duraspace
[8:10] * awoods_ (n=awoods@pool-96-241-203-135.washdc.fios.verizon.net) has joined #duraspace
[8:15] * mhwood (i=mwood@mhw.ulib.iupui.edu) has joined #duraspace
[9:00] * ksclarke (n=kevin@adsl-1-145-78.clt.bellsouth.net) Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[9:30] * ksclarke (n=kevin@ip-152010148147.library.appstate.edu) has joined #duraspace
[9:49] * canderson34 (n=canderso@ has joined #duraspace
[9:49] * canderson34 (n=canderso@ Quit (Client Quit)
[10:48] * sbayliss (n=IceChat7@78-86-0-203.zone2.bethere.co.uk) has joined #duraspace
[10:56] * bbranan (n=lc@ has joined #duraspace
[10:58] * cwilper (i=80544549@gateway/web/freenode/x-lcjrrlnqkghzmxjc) has joined #duraspace
[11:00] * Dan_Davis (i=805461ab@gateway/web/freenode/x-sdzdtvfzpzeuhezq) has joined #duraspace
[11:01] * birkland (i=183a4af1@gateway/web/freenode/x-gucssdtlcjgtpyyy) has joined #duraspace
[11:03] <cwilper> if having trouble getting into the fedora call, write me a skype message and i'll skype you in. skype id: chris.wilper
[11:05] <bradmc> Chris, please skype me as well.
[11:07] <cwilper> https://fedora-commons.org/confluence/display/FCREPO/2009-08-25+-+Committer+Meeting
[11:10] <cwilper> other candidates for package renaming?
[11:14] <bradmc> Another related wrinkle: What should the copyright on the files say?
[11:22] <awoods_> fedora maven-modules: generate, common, server, client, integrationtest, localservices, democontent, installer
[11:39] <cwilper> decision: move "fedora" package to "org.fedoracommons.repository"
[11:40] <cwilper> q: what else goes under org.fedoracommons? artifacts of another development group.
[11:41] <cwilper> RELS-INT doc updates from Steve:
[11:49] * penthes_ (n=IceChat7@78-86-0-203.zone2.bethere.co.uk) has joined #duraspace
[11:50] * penthes_ is now known as sbayliss_
[11:53] * sbayliss (n=IceChat7@78-86-0-203.zone2.bethere.co.uk) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:55] * sbayliss_ is now known as sbayliss
[12:06] <cwilper> https://fedora-commons.org/jira/browse/FCREPO-436
[12:15] <cwilper> https://fedora-commons.org/jira/browse/FCREPO-439
[12:44] * birkland (i=183a4af1@gateway/web/freenode/x-gucssdtlcjgtpyyy) Quit ("Page closed")
[12:47] * jstirnaman (i=a9930319@gateway/web/freenode/x-jbvdvpelndoxffxi) has joined #duraspace
[12:47] <cwilper> re: copyright; the actual copyright holder has been multiple institutions historically; originally was uva + cornell, then fedora commons inc, now duraspace. so currently the info we disseminate re:copyright reflects this: http://fedora-commons.org/confluence/display/FCR30/License+and+Copyright
[12:51] <cwilper> ...the code itself just points to the local copy of /license (if someone downloaded the source) and the license web page on fedora-commons.org
[12:52] <bbranan> Are we not able to transfer copyright from Fedora Commons, Inc to DuraSpace, Inc?
[12:53] <cwilper> Everything that was FC's is now DuraSpace's. But the information about copyright reflects the history of copyright ownership.
[12:54] <bbranan> gotcha
[13:01] * cwilper (i=80544549@gateway/web/freenode/x-lcjrrlnqkghzmxjc) Quit ("Page closed")
[13:02] * bbranan (n=lc@ Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:08] * sbayliss (n=IceChat7@78-86-0-203.zone2.bethere.co.uk) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:10] * josekarvalho (i=55f06278@gateway/web/freenode/x-gzjrfbvoorobghpk) has joined #duraspace
[13:46] * ben_atmire (n=ben_atmi@ Quit ()
[13:49] * stuartlewis (n=stuartle@ has joined #duraspace
[13:50] <bradmc> Mornin' Stuart.
[13:51] * ClaudiaJuergen (n=Miranda@i5E86B1BF.versanet.de) has joined #duraspace
[13:51] <stuartlewis> DSpace JIRA meeting due to start in about 10 minutes. 'Rules of engagement' available at: http://wiki.dspace.org/index.php/JIRA_Cleanup
[13:51] <stuartlewis> Hi Brad.
[13:51] * fnkepler (i=8f6b5108@gateway/web/freenode/x-mzhwlmfqvjhorhpq) has joined #duraspace
[13:52] * scottatm (n=scottatm@peat.evans.tamu.edu) has joined #duraspace
[13:52] * sands (n=sands@c-24-60-203-182.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #duraspace
[13:53] * Sulaweyo (n=petienne@lib-petienne.library.gatech.edu) has joined #duraspace
[13:53] * lcs (n=lcs@serenity.hul.harvard.edu) has joined #duraspace
[13:55] <stuartlewis> If anyone had any comments on the wiki page about this event (http://wiki.dspace.org/index.php/JIRA_Cleanup) please feel free to make suggestions before the meeting starts, as the format and rules were invented yesterday by Brad, Kim and myself, and it will be a bit of an experiment.
[13:56] <ClaudiaJuergen> took the liberty to remove some duplicates both on the wiki page and on JIRA
[13:56] <stuartlewis> (Although if we can trim the issue list down a lot, and get assignees for most of the issues, future development meetings will only need to investigate the few new issues since the last meeting)
[13:56] <stuartlewis> ClaudiaJuergen: Thanks :)
[13:58] * Sulaweyo (n=petienne@lib-petienne.library.gatech.edu) Quit ()
[13:59] * pketienne (n=petienne@lib-petienne.library.gatech.edu) has joined #duraspace
[13:59] * buckeye1973 (n=brian@dhcp-128-146-63-235.osuwireless.ohio-state.edu) has joined #duraspace
[14:01] <stuartlewis> Hi all! Welcome to our first ever JIRA cleanup session!
[14:01] * jat_ysu (n=jeffreyt@maag127.maag.ysu.edu) has joined #duraspace
[14:01] <stuartlewis> A description of how this meeting will work can be seen at http://wiki.dspace.org/index.php/JIRA_Cleanup
[14:01] * vy_ (i=96657970@gateway/web/freenode/x-bwjnpceiybuiygbu) has joined #duraspace
[14:01] <stuartlewis> First we'll have 'introductions', then the meeting will start.
[14:02] * canderson34 (n=canderso@lib-banderson.library.gatech.edu) has joined #duraspace
[14:02] <stuartlewis> In the meeting, I'll give a description of each issue to discuss
[14:02] * tdonohue (i=80ae241d@gateway/web/freenode/x-qzqvvzyudovlvwtl) has joined #duraspace
[14:02] <stuartlewis> Then please vote according to the rules in the wiki page http://wiki.dspace.org/index.php/JIRA_Cleanup
[14:02] * keithOhioLINK (n=keithg@173-121-143-102.pools.spcsdns.net) has joined #duraspace
[14:02] * cbeer (n=cbeer@ has left #duraspace
[14:02] * keithOhioLINK is now known as keith
[14:02] <stuartlewis> Once most people have voted, Brad will try to draw a consensus.
[14:03] <stuartlewis> If an issue should be kept, vote +1
[14:03] <stuartlewis> If you don't know, vote 0
[14:03] <stuartlewis> If you think we should ditch it, vote -1, and give a reason (e.g. 'out of scope for DSpace')
[14:04] <stuartlewis> If you think it should stay, and you are happy to have this task assigned to you, please say so when you vote (e.g. "+1 assign to me")
[14:04] <stuartlewis> Does that sound OK?
[14:04] <ClaudiaJuergen> yes
[14:04] <scottatm> yes
[14:04] * RichardJones (n=richard@94-194-200-240.zone8.bethere.co.uk) Quit ("Leaving.")
[14:05] <stuartlewis> OK - so... introductions. Just so we know who everyone is should we need to contact you afterwards, can you briefly say your name, where you work, and who you are.
[14:05] * bollini (n=chatzill@host77-9-dynamic.16-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) has joined #duraspace
[14:05] <bradmc> Brad McLean, DuraSpace (DSpace Foundation), acting DSpace Tech Lead.
[14:05] <stuartlewis> Stuart Lewis, release co-ordinator for DSpace 1.6, University of Auckland Library.
[14:05] <mhwood> Mark Wood; Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis, University Library; sysadmin/developer for DSpace, OJS/OCS, server support, service monitoring
[14:06] <ClaudiaJuergen> Claudia J�rgen, University of Dortmund, repo do-it-all and DSpace committer
[14:06] <tdonohue> Tim Donohue, U of Illinois, Tech Lead of our local Repository
[14:06] <keith> Keith Gilbertson;independent contractor
[14:06] <lcs> Larry Stone, Harvard Library, sole architect and programmer for DASH, a repository for all open-access scholarly works at Harvard.
[14:06] <scottatm> Scott Phillips, Dspace person, Texas A&M University / Texas Digital Library
[14:06] <vy_> Van Ly, Sydney University, SysAdmin (contract)
[14:06] <canderson34> Bill Anderson, Georgia Tech. Developer/Systems Analyst, with primary responsibility for our DSpace installation.
[14:06] <jat_ysu> Jeff Trimble, Youngstown State University, Systems Librarian, Document Gardener for Dspace.
[14:07] <fnkepler> Fabio N. Kepler, Brasiliana USP - University of Sao Paulo - Brazil, developer.
[14:07] <stuartlewis> P.S. - This channel is being logged, and the log will be published, so don't say anything that you wouldn't say to your mother / boss / partner etc!
[14:07] <bollini> Andrea Bollini, software architect - CILEA - DSpace service provider
[14:07] * RichardJones (n=richard@94-194-200-240.zone8.bethere.co.uk) has joined #duraspace
[14:07] <pketienne> Patrick Etienne; Georgia Tech - System Analyst - primarily work on the xmlui interface for our institutional repository
[14:08] <stuartlewis> (Prizes go to Andrea and Van for being up the latest / earliest!)
[14:08] <stuartlewis> Thanks all.
[14:08] <sands> Sands Fish - Software Engineer - MIT Libraries - DSpace@MIT
[14:09] <jstirnaman> Jason Stirnaman, University of Kansas Medical Center, librarian/developer
[14:09] <stuartlewis> OK - we're going to address the issues in a funny order - according to their last updated status in JIRA (as of 12 hours ago - some may have changed)
[14:09] <stuartlewis> It is great to have so many people here - thank you!
[14:09] <ClaudiaJuergen> definetly copied the patches over from SF
[14:09] <stuartlewis> OK... we'll start slowly, and hopefully speed up.
[14:10] <stuartlewis> We'll review the situation at 7PM GMT, and either probably call the meeting to and end. We'll all have tired fingers.
[14:10] <stuartlewis> Right.... number 1:
[14:10] <stuartlewis> DS-44 - Major/Bug - Monthly statistics skip first and last of month - ID: 2541435 - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-44 - [unassigned / Charles Kiplagat]
[14:10] <ClaudiaJuergen> -1 if new stats for 1.6 which replace the old dstat
[14:11] <mhwood> 0
[14:11] <canderson34> -1 with the same condition as Claudia.
[14:11] <stuartlewis> Will the new stats "replace" the old, or will they sit side by side for at least 1 version?
[14:11] <bradmc> One minute: -2, lets go 30 secs for Q
[14:11] <stuartlewis> +1 am happy to fix (easy fix)
[14:11] <lcs> 0
[14:11] <jat_ysu> 0
[14:11] <vy_> 0
[14:11] * SamO (i=4a42460e@gateway/web/freenode/x-rrircgtzcavoulyu) has joined #duraspace
[14:12] <bradmc> Totals: -1, but offer to fix. suggest assign to stuart.
[14:12] <bollini> +1
[14:12] <stuartlewis> Next up...
[14:12] <stuartlewis> DS-49 - Major/Improvement - Add support for DjVu-documents - ID: 2234659 - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-49 - [unassigned / Charles Kiplagat]
[14:12] <canderson34> 0
[14:12] <ClaudiaJuergen> -1 it's up to the admin to provide other media filter plugins, we should stick to a basic default set
[14:12] <stuartlewis> -1 out of scope (should be in wiki_
[14:12] <fnkepler> 0
[14:12] <mhwood> 0
[14:12] <jat_ysu> 0
[14:13] <bollini> -1
[14:13] <lcs> -1 out of scope, make it an add-on
[14:13] <pketienne> 0
[14:13] <bradmc> One minute: -3 out of scope, mark 'won't fix' on DS-49
[14:13] <stuartlewis> For recently joined participants - welcome! Please read http://wiki.dspace.org/index.php/JIRA_Cleanup for the rules of this meeting
[14:13] <stuartlewis> DS-50 - Major/Improvement - LDAP+Active Directory authentication patch - ID: 2100378 - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-50 - [unassigned / Charles Kiplagat]
[14:14] <scottatm> 0
[14:14] <stuartlewis> -1 (owner can re-open and justify if they want)
[14:14] <keith> 0
[14:14] <ClaudiaJuergen> 0
[14:14] <lcs> 0
[14:14] <pketienne> 0
[14:14] <mhwood> 0
[14:14] <jat_ysu> 0
[14:14] <fnkepler> 0
[14:14] <vy_> 0
[14:14] <bradmc> One minute: -1 no owner, mark 'won't fix' for DS-50
[14:14] <SamO> LDAPHierarchicalAuth seems to take care of issue. 0
[14:14] <canderson34> 0
[14:14] <stuartlewis> DS-51 - Major/Improvement - Batch files - ID: 2061922 - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-51 - [unassigned / Charles Kiplagat]
[14:15] <ClaudiaJuergen> -1 works with [dspace]/bin/dsrun.bat org.dspace.app.mediafilter.MediaFilterManager if we do provide a .bat for this we will have to do it for all the stuff in [dspace]/bin
[14:15] <canderson34> 0
[14:15] <scottatm> -1
[14:15] <stuartlewis> -1
[14:15] <bollini> 0
[14:15] <lcs> 0
[14:15] <tdonohue> -1 (same as claudia)
[14:15] <mhwood> -1
[14:15] <fnkepler> -1
[14:15] <SamO> -1
[14:15] <pketienne> 0
[14:15] <jat_ysu> 0
[14:15] <bradmc> One minute: -6 mark 'won't fix' on DS-51
[14:16] <stuartlewis> DS-54 - Major/Improvement - Browse Re-Retrieves Items Unnecessarily? - ID: 2031535 - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-54 - [unassigned / Charles Kiplagat]
[14:16] <ClaudiaJuergen> 0
[14:16] <bollini> 0
[14:16] <stuartlewis> 0 - looks like a patch needs to be copied from SF
[14:16] <canderson34> 0
[14:16] <mhwood> 0
[14:16] <lcs> 0
[14:16] <pketienne> 0
[14:16] <scottatm> 0 - might be good, but someone would have to look at this in detail
[14:16] <ClaudiaJuergen> stuartlewis: copied some this afternoon, none were during transition
[14:17] <bradmc> One minute: 0 Place unassigned for 1.6. 30 secs to debate:
[14:17] <fnkepler> 0
[14:17] <stuartlewis> If no patch, -1 (get rid of it for now)
[14:17] <stuartlewis> DS-76 - Major/Improvement - Extract AbstractBrowseItemDAO superclass - ID: 1991554 - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-76 - [unassigned / Charles Kiplagat]
[14:17] <bradmc> DS-54 to be marked won't fix.
[14:18] <scottatm> The description references an attached patch?
[14:18] <ClaudiaJuergen> I'll check whether there is at SF
[14:18] <ClaudiaJuergen> most of the attachement weren't copied over
[14:18] <stuartlewis> -1 if no patch
[14:18] <mhwood> 0
[14:18] <ClaudiaJuergen> 0
[14:18] <canderson34> 0
[14:18] <jat_ysu> 0
[14:18] <bollini> -1 for 1.6 (this will be affected by the authority control work)
[14:18] <pketienne> 0
[14:18] <fnkepler> 0
[14:18] <bradmc> One-minute: -2 DS-76 pending investigation of patch, will be marked won't fix.
[14:19] <lcs> -1 agree with bollini
[14:19] <scottatm> -1, this is something best left for 2.0
[14:19] <stuartlewis> DS-79 - Major/Improvement - Pluggable storage / S3 - ID: 2561561 - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-79 - [unassigned / Charles Kiplagat]
[14:19] <mhwood> +1
[14:19] <bollini> 0
[14:19] <ClaudiaJuergen> 0
[14:19] <stuartlewis> -1 close. OPen new issue when there is a patch.
[14:19] <lcs> 0
[14:19] <canderson34> 0
[14:19] <scottatm> -1, no patch - good idea
[14:19] <pketienne> 0
[14:20] <mhwood> There is code, but not attached.
[14:20] <fnkepler> 0, good idea, though
[14:20] <keith> 0, DS-79
[14:20] * ClaudiaJuergen just check with SF first, the attachements didn't make it to JIRA
[14:20] <bradmc> One min: -1; mark closed until a patch exists. Note this on 79,76,54
[14:20] <stuartlewis> DS-52 - Major/Improvement - Factor out common webapp installation - ID: 2042160 - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-52 - [Mark Wood / Charles Kiplagat]
[14:20] <stuartlewis> +1 if mhwood is happy to stay as the assigned person
[14:20] <ClaudiaJuergen> +1
[14:20] <canderson34> +1
[14:20] <scottatm> +1
[14:21] <keith> +1, DS-52
[14:21] <bradmc> We can re-review any that didn't have a patch if we find one. (next week)
[14:21] <lcs> +1
[14:21] <jat_ysu> +1
[14:21] <mhwood> +1 will remain assigned
[14:21] <fnkepler> +1
[14:21] <bradmc> One min: +9 assign to mhwood DS-52 for 1.6
[14:21] <stuartlewis> DS-42 - Trivial/Improvement - Foreign Key Problem - ID: 2593584 - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-42 - [unassigned / Charles Kiplagat]
[14:21] <ClaudiaJuergen> -1 the foreign key violation itself is not a bug
[14:21] <ClaudiaJuergen> +1 for a cleanup of situations like that
[14:21] <canderson34> +1
[14:21] <scottatm> -1
[14:22] <bollini> -1
[14:22] <stuartlewis> -1 open new issues for individual problems if patches are created
[14:22] <lcs> +1 for friendlier message
[14:22] <mhwood> +1 agree behavior is OK but display needs work
[14:22] <pketienne> +1 for more precise UI feedback
[14:22] <fnkepler> +1 (same as <lcs>)
[14:22] <bradmc> 1 min: DS-42 (0) mark won't fix, but clarify? 30 sec more:
[14:23] <canderson34> Yeah, that's good.
[14:23] <fnkepler> +1
[14:23] <bradmc> +3 DS-42 alter to better display to the user (unassigned for 1.6)
[14:23] <bollini> this is not a common situation, the ui could be better but it is too work
[14:23] <stuartlewis> DS-89 - Major/Bug - Anonymous groups should not work as subgroups - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-89 - [Andrea Bollini / Claudia Jürgen]
[14:23] <bollini> -1
[14:23] * rrodgers (n=rrodgers@dhcp-18-111-15-222.dyn.mit.edu) has joined #duraspace
[14:23] <stuartlewis> 0
[14:24] <ClaudiaJuergen> +1
[14:24] <keith> DS-89, +1 if this enables anonymous submission
[14:24] <mhwood> 0
[14:24] <scottatm> 0
[14:24] <stuartlewis> For recently joined participants - welcome! Please read http://wiki.dspace.org/index.php/JIRA_Cleanup for the rules of this meeting
[14:24] <tdonohue> 0
[14:24] <ClaudiaJuergen> keith: it won't you still need an eperson
[14:24] <lcs> 0
[14:24] <scottatm> -1 to anonymous submissions
[14:24] <bollini> this open auto-registered submission
[14:25] <bradmc> 1 min: 0 DS-89 mark won't fix, because still need eperson. 30 sec:
[14:25] <ClaudiaJuergen> this is not about anonymous submissions, but beiing able to add the anonymous group to another group
[14:25] <canderson34> -1
[14:25] <keith> ok, DS-89 0
[14:25] <bradmc> DS-89 -2 mark won't fix.
[14:25] <stuartlewis> DS-75 - Major/Improvement - Handy adapter ItemIterator to Iterator and Iterable - ID: 2003177 - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-75 - [unassigned / Charles Kiplagat]
[14:25] <ClaudiaJuergen> 0
[14:25] <canderson34> 0
[14:26] <jat_ysu> 0
[14:26] <tdonohue> 0
[14:26] <mhwood> 0
[14:26] <pketienne> 0
[14:26] <bollini> 0
[14:26] <lcs> 0
[14:26] <vy_> 0
[14:26] <rrodgers> 0
[14:26] <bradmc> 1 min: 0 Keep or won't fix? 30 sec:
[14:26] <scottatm> 0, where would it go?
[14:27] <stuartlewis> Submitted by Elliot - +1
[14:27] <stuartlewis> Happy to have assigned to me for further investigation
[14:27] <bradmc> DS-75 stays unassigned for 1.6
[14:27] <stuartlewis> DS-53 - Major/Improvement - DatabaseManager updates for HSQL - ID: 2035028 - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-53 - [unassigned / Charles Kiplagat]
[14:27] <bradmc> Whoops, assign to stuart.
[14:27] <ClaudiaJuergen> -1
[14:27] <bollini> -1
[14:27] <canderson34> -1
[14:27] <jat_ysu> -1
[14:27] <pketienne> 0
[14:27] <bollini> move support to new dbms to dspace 2
[14:27] <stuartlewis> -1
[14:28] <mhwood> -1
[14:28] <tdonohue> -1
[14:28] <lcs> 0
[14:28] <scottatm> -1
[14:28] <rrodgers> 0
[14:28] <bradmc> 1 min: DS-53 -8 mark won't fix.
[14:28] <stuartlewis> DS-77 - Major/Improvement - Extract AbstractBrowseDAO superclass - ID: 1991551 - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-77 - [unassigned / Charles Kiplagat]
[14:28] <ClaudiaJuergen> 0
[14:28] <bradmc> Suggest 2 min break after next item.
[14:28] <canderson34> 0
[14:28] <stuartlewis> 0
[14:29] <vy_> 0
[14:29] <mhwood> 0
[14:29] <pketienne> What was decided for AbstractBrowseItem? This seems like a similar issue (abstracting code)
[14:29] <tdonohue> this seems almost identical to DS-76, and should get same result
[14:29] <lcs> 0 (looks like a duplicate)
[14:29] <scottatm> +1
[14:29] <pketienne> 0
[14:29] <bradmc> 1 min: DS-77 (1) Mark unassigned for 1.6
[14:29] <scottatm> (it's different from 76, in that it has a patch)
[14:30] <stuartlewis> OK - two minute break
[14:30] <stuartlewis> Any comments about this is going?
[14:30] <jat_ysu> Very efficient.
[14:30] <mhwood> A lot of my "0" votes are "don't understand this one yet".
[14:30] <ClaudiaJuergen> jat_ysu: Jeffry you might document the use of dsrun.bat as we dumped ds-51
[14:31] <vy_> rather than deciding on keep or chuck, would it be possible to update the comments on the item indicating likely direction
[14:31] <jat_ysu> Claudia, Thanks. I'll make not of this.
[14:31] <jat_ysu> not=note.
[14:31] <bradmc> Note that if we do this regularly, we can reconsider. Suggest we have a section at the end for that - reraise if you aren't happy.
[14:31] <bradmc> Restart in 40 sec?
[14:32] <bollini> ok
[14:32] <stuartlewis> DS-82 - Trivial/Bug - Initial Questions and Collection Template not in sync - ID: 1456321 - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-82 - [Andrea Bollini / Andrea Bollini]
[14:32] <ClaudiaJuergen> +1
[14:33] <ClaudiaJuergen> it's a nuisance in reality and confusing for the submitter
[14:33] <stuartlewis> 0
[14:33] <tdonohue> +1 seems like it should be fixed, just not sure of best solution
[14:33] <lcs> +1
[14:33] <mhwood> +1
[14:33] <canderson34> +1 I agree -- our content folks have complained about this.
[14:33] <vy_> +1
[14:33] <bradmc> 1 min: DS-82 +6 assign to abollini for 1.6
[14:33] <bollini> I have no idea how to fix it
[14:33] <jat_ysu> +1
[14:33] <scottatm> +1
[14:33] <bradmc> 30 sec more.
[14:33] <bradmc> Assign to?
[14:33] <ClaudiaJuergen> bolline: get rid of the initial questions
[14:34] <tdonohue> that is one resolution..drop that step altogether
[14:34] <bradmc> DS-82 assign to abolilini (offline conversation, please). Next.
[14:34] <stuartlewis> Needs more discussion.
[14:34] <stuartlewis> DS-57 - Major/Improvement - factor out Apache XPath usage from StructBuilder - ID: 2020603 - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-57 - [unassigned / Charles Kiplagat]
[14:34] <tdonohue> These next 4 look like they go together?
[14:35] <ClaudiaJuergen> right
[14:35] <scottatm> What is wrong with apache xpath?
[14:35] <mhwood> -1 duplicate according to comment
[14:35] <stuartlewis> -1 (can always be reopened with new patch
[14:35] <canderson34> 0
[14:35] <ClaudiaJuergen> 0
[14:35] <bollini> 0
[14:35] <fnkepler> 0
[14:35] <scottatm> 0
[14:35] <lcs> 0
[14:35] <jat_ysu> -1 xpath is fine
[14:35] <stuartlewis> Lets consider all three together... as they are the same
[14:35] <stuartlewis> DS-71 - Major/Improvement - factor out Apache XPath usage from RegistryImporter - ID: 2020928 - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-71 - [unassigned / Charles Kiplagat]
[14:35] <stuartlewis> DS-72 - Major/Improvement - factor out Apache XPath usage from MetadataImporter - ID: 2020877 - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-72 - [unassigned / Charles Kiplagat]
[14:35] <bradmc> 1 min: -3 DS-57 won't fix, awaiting new patch.
[14:36] <bradmc> (pending other two)
[14:36] <stuartlewis> -1 for both others too
[14:36] <tdonohue> +1 if it means that DS-74 will be possible...which is what needs the XPath removal
[14:36] <ClaudiaJuergen> 0
[14:36] <canderson34> 0
[14:36] <mhwood> 0
[14:36] <scottatm> +1111111 for DS-74
[14:36] <tdonohue> I think 57,71,72 are all required by DS-74, if i'm reading this right
[14:37] <bradmc> extra minute:
[14:37] <stuartlewis> Perhaps roll them into a new single issue and patch?
[14:37] <tdonohue> sounds good
[14:37] <scottatm> stuartlewis, sounds good.
[14:37] <ClaudiaJuergen> ok
[14:37] <mhwood> Yes, don't want to blkc 74
[14:37] <bradmc> DS-57,71,72 close, point to DS-74.
[14:37] <stuartlewis> We'll skip DS-74 (Unit test dependencies as we have just covered that)
[14:37] <stuartlewis> DS-119 - Minor/Bug - metadata browse indices case sensitive and resulting sets may contain redundant data - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-119 - [unassigned / Claudia Jürgen]
[14:37] <bradmc> DS-74 needs assignee!
[14:38] <bradmc> Stay with MarkD? Not here.
[14:38] <mhwood> DS-119 +1
[14:38] <stuartlewis> Leave with Mark, can reconsider another time
[14:38] <tdonohue> I'd say stay with MarkD for now
[14:38] <ClaudiaJuergen> +1 for a consistent a well documented behaviour, might not be considered a bug
[14:38] <pketienne> +1
[14:38] <SamO> +1
[14:38] <lcs> +1
[14:38] <scottatm> +1
[14:38] <canderson34> +1 I'd call this a bug
[14:38] <stuartlewis> +1
[14:39] <tdonohue> +1
[14:39] <jat_ysu> +1
[14:39] <jat_ysu> It's a bug
[14:39] <scottatm> definitaly a bug.
[14:39] <bradmc> 1 min: DS-119 +9 unassigned for 1.6
[14:39] <stuartlewis> DS-123 - Trivial/Bug - xmlui browse in empty collection displays "Now showing items 1-0" of 0 - incorrect numbering - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-123 - [unassigned / Keith Gilbertson]
[14:39] <tdonohue> +1
[14:39] <scottatm> +1
[14:39] <ClaudiaJuergen> +1
[14:39] <jat_ysu> +1
[14:39] <canderson34> +1
[14:39] <stuartlewis> +1
[14:39] <lcs> +1
[14:39] <rrodgers> +1
[14:39] <bollini> +1
[14:39] <mhwood> +1
[14:39] <scottatm> you can assign that to me
[14:39] <SamO> +1
[14:39] <keith> +1
[14:40] <bradmc> DS-123 +12 assign to scott phillips for 1.6
[14:40] <stuartlewis> DS-124 - Trivial/Bug - Submission doesn't preserve the order of Qualdrop values - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-124 - [unassigned / Andrea Bollini]
[14:40] <ClaudiaJuergen> +1 make order configurable rather than implicit
[14:40] <tdonohue> +1
[14:40] <scottatm> Is this related to anything else? I've seen discussion on the lists about ordering?
[14:40] <ClaudiaJuergen> only as far as input form elements are considered
[14:40] <mhwood> Lots of things are not ordered but folks would like them to be.
[14:40] <jat_ysu> +1 agrees with Claudia
[14:40] <stuartlewis> scottatm: Was that ordering of bitstreams recently?
[14:41] <mhwood> 0
[14:41] <bollini> -1 hard to fix
[14:41] <lcs> 0 (never liked qualdrop)
[14:41] <stuartlewis> 0
[14:41] <keith> have seen problem with order of contributor.author becoming incorrect; not sure if this would fix
[14:41] <bradmc> DS-124 +2 unassigned for 1.6 30 sec more:
[14:41] <canderson34> 0
[14:41] <scottatm> Really, there's a global issue, that bitstreams, bundle, and metadata should all be orderable and there should be a UI to manage the ordering.
[14:41] <rrodgers> 0
[14:41] <ClaudiaJuergen> keith: no, author order depends on locale use by db
[14:41] <tdonohue> scottatm: i'd agree...ordering is a general issue overall
[14:42] <mhwood> Agree with scottatm
[14:42] <canderson34> Agree with scottatm
[14:42] <stuartlewis> So close, and open new issue?
[14:42] <lcs> there are cases when it's important to preserve order of authors as entered.
[14:42] <bollini> +1 for an order ui in a new issue
[14:42] <vy_> a default dictionary order would be reasonable
[14:42] <scottatm> This isn't something for 1.6 though..... either a 2.0 or 1.7?
[14:42] <bollini> order of authors is preserved
[14:42] <stuartlewis> Yes - not 1.6
[14:42] <mhwood> Too late for 1.6
[14:42] <bradmc> DS-124: Close, file a new issue for general ordering in a post 1.6 release.
[14:42] <canderson34> Sounds major-release-ish to me.
[14:42] <stuartlewis> DS-128 - Trivial/Bug - Anchor in submission doesn't work - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-128 - [unassigned / Andrea Bollini]
[14:43] <ClaudiaJuergen> 0
[14:43] <bollini> 0
[14:43] <jat_ysu> 0
[14:43] <stuartlewis> +1 if we can find an assignee
[14:43] <mhwood> 0
[14:43] <lcs> +1 i was thinking of looking into this, will do if time
[14:43] <canderson34> 0
[14:43] <pketienne> 0
[14:43] <tdonohue> +1 if we can find assignee
[14:43] <rrodgers> +1
[14:43] <bradmc> 1 min: DS-128 +4 assign to larry stone for 1.6
[14:44] <stuartlewis> DS-134 - Major/New Feature - org.dspace.authenticate.JAASAuthentication - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-134 - [unassigned / Reuben Pasquini]
[14:44] <tdonohue> 0
[14:44] <ClaudiaJuergen> 0
[14:44] <canderson34> 0
[14:44] <stuartlewis> 0 - ask for clarification from submitter if still relevant
[14:44] <mhwood> 0
[14:44] <pketienne> 0
[14:44] <lcs> 0 good case for add-on library
[14:44] <jat_ysu> 0
[14:44] <rrodgers> post 1.6
[14:44] <bollini> 0
[14:45] <rrodgers> 0
[14:45] <vy_> 0
[14:45] <bradmc> 1 min: DS-134 (0) keep open for post-1.6?
[14:45] <scottatm> 0
[14:45] <stuartlewis> DS-135 - Major/Bug - Withdrawn items displayed as "restricted" rather than withdrawn - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-135 - [unassigned / Tim Donohue]
[14:45] <ClaudiaJuergen> +1
[14:45] <tdonohue> +1
[14:45] <canderson34> +1
[14:45] <rrodgers> +1
[14:45] <mhwood> +1
[14:45] <lcs> +1
[14:45] <pketienne> +1
[14:45] <scottatm> +1
[14:45] <jat_ysu> +1
[14:45] <keith> +1
[14:46] <bradmc> 1 min: DS-135 +10 unassigned for 1.6
[14:46] <stuartlewis> DS-63 - Minor/Bug - xmlui hardcoded string in AuthenticationUtil.java - ID: 2088360 - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-63 - [unassigned / Andrea Bollini]
[14:46] <ClaudiaJuergen> 0
[14:46] <bollini> 0
[14:46] <mhwood> 0
[14:46] <pketienne> 0
[14:46] <canderson34> 0
[14:46] <stuartlewis> 0 - don't understand enough about the internals of manakin to comment
[14:46] <tdonohue> +1 I think this is an issue, just not sure how to fix
[14:47] <keith> +1
[14:47] <bradmc> 1 min: DS-63 +2 unassigned for 1.6
[14:47] <lcs> +1 (== tdonohue)
[14:47] <stuartlewis> DS-162 - Major/New Feature - Common Reporting Needs - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-162 - [unassigned / Charles Kiplagat]
[14:47] <stuartlewis> -1 and copy requirements into general stats issue
[14:47] <tdonohue> -1 sounds like general stats issue
[14:47] <ClaudiaJuergen> 0 might be covered by the new stats
[14:47] <rrodgers> -1 (agree stuartlewis )
[14:47] <lcs> -1 out of scope
[14:47] <pketienne> -1 stats issue
[14:47] <mhwood> 0
[14:48] <canderson34> -1 seems out of scope for a minor release.
[14:48] <scottatm> -1
[14:48] <keith> +1
[14:48] <bradmc> 1 min: DS-162 -6 close, xfer requirements to general stats issue.
[14:48] <stuartlewis> DS-163 - Major/New Feature - componentization of DSpace - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-163 - [unassigned / Charles Kiplagat]
[14:48] <tdonohue> -1 no details
[14:48] <stuartlewis> -1
[14:48] <scottatm> -1, no detail or discussion
[14:48] <bollini> -1
[14:48] <ClaudiaJuergen> -1
[14:48] <lcs> -1
[14:48] <SamO> -1
[14:48] <canderson34> -1 what's that one about?
[14:48] <mhwood> -1 until some detail
[14:48] <vy_> -1 more detail
[14:48] <rrodgers> -1 (it's a wish)
[14:48] <bradmc> DS-163 close (won't fix), no details or plan or patch.
[14:48] <stuartlewis> DS-164 - Major/New Feature - Deposit Interface - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-164 - [unassigned / Charles Kiplagat]
[14:48] <keith> 0, missed salo discussion
[14:48] <ClaudiaJuergen> +1
[14:49] <bollini> gsoc project
[14:49] <tdonohue> +1, but this may be long term
[14:49] <keith> +1
[14:49] <stuartlewis> -1 as the gosc project would open a new didicated issue
[14:49] <canderson34> 0 is it in scope for 1.6?
[14:49] <bradmc> Pause after this issue, ran over keith twice in two issues.
[14:49] <mhwood> 0
[14:49] <ClaudiaJuergen> not in scope for 1.6
[14:49] <scottatm> it's a good collection of likely usefull features.... completely out of the scode for 1.6
[14:49] <stuartlewis> (FYI: We have an almost completed GSOC project that does this)
[14:49] <lcs> 0 out of scope
[14:49] <pketienne> this sounds like a templating system for forms? sounds like a major release issue
[14:49] <bradmc> 1 min: DS-164, +2 keep for post 1.6
[14:49] <rrodgers> 0 (except if gsoc has already)
[14:50] <stuartlewis> DS-165 - Major/New Feature - DSpace also does not help managers investigate deposit patterns and growth. A readily-accessible list of recent deposits as well as a list of deposits per time period (separable by community/collection, so that different communities can be usefully compar - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-165 - [unassigned / Charles Kiplagat]
[14:50] <keith> 0
[14:50] <ClaudiaJuergen> -1 issue for the new stats
[14:50] <tdonohue> -1 should be rolled into stats/reporting requirements
[14:50] <stuartlewis> -1, add requirements to general stats issue
[14:50] <bradmc> Keith, you okay with 162, 164?
[14:50] <canderson34> -1 out of scope
[14:50] <scottatm> -1, stat issue
[14:50] <mhwood> -1 stats
[14:50] <pketienne> -1 also new stats
[14:50] <rrodgers> -1 stats
[14:50] <bollini> -1 stats
[14:50] <lcs> -1 stats and/or history system
[14:50] <jat_ysu> -1
[14:51] <bradmc> DS-165 -10, close, refer to new stats.
[14:51] <keith> brad: yes
[14:51] <stuartlewis> DS-167 - Major/New Feature - Electronic Theses & Dissertations (ETDs) workflow: TapirAddOn - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-167 - [unassigned / Charles Kiplagat]
[14:51] <tdonohue> -1 out of date
[14:51] <stuartlewis> -1
[14:51] <ClaudiaJuergen> -1 out of scope and date
[14:51] <bollini> -1 out of date
[14:51] <scottatm> -1, out of date.... replaced by vireo :)
[14:51] <canderson34> -1
[14:51] <mhwood> 0
[14:51] <rrodgers> -1 out of date
[14:51] <keith> -1, vireo
[14:51] <stuartlewis> (lots of the functionality got rolled in to DSpace anyway)
[14:51] <bradmc> DS-167 -6, won't fix, point at vireo.
[14:52] <lcs> 0
[14:52] <bollini> point to embargo
[14:52] <stuartlewis> DS-169 - Major/New Feature - Eliminate the need for server restarts - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-169 - [unassigned / Charles Kiplagat]
[14:52] <canderson34> 0 Details?
[14:52] <mhwood> -1 sounds nice but no detail
[14:52] <stuartlewis> -1 as no suggestion to make this work or effort volunteered
[14:52] <SamO> -1 would be nice feature for dev but seems risky for production
[14:52] <tdonohue> +1, even though few details...would love to not have to restart dspace for every dspace.cfg change
[14:52] <scottatm> -1, no discussion or detail.
[14:52] <rrodgers> -1 vague
[14:52] <bollini> reopen when we have a patch
[14:52] <keith> 0
[14:52] <lcs> -1 needs more detail, and test plan
[14:52] <ClaudiaJuergen> +1 in general for managing more config stuff via UI
[14:53] <bollini> -1
[14:53] <pketienne> need more details on salo discussion
[14:53] <ClaudiaJuergen> -1 for this tracker
[14:53] <scottatm> What is the "Salo Discussion"?
[14:53] <bradmc> 1 min: DS-169: -8 Won't fix, needs detail. 30 sec extra:
[14:53] <vy_> -1
[14:53] <stuartlewis> scottatm: Dorothea held some online community chats a year or so ago.
[14:54] <bradmc> Interesting challenge: user feature, but no devs have designed it. Move on?
[14:54] <stuartlewis> DS-170 - Major/Improvement - Embargo by @mire - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-170 - [unassigned / Charles Kiplagat]
[14:54] <canderson34> Being able to hot deploy config files would be nice, though.
[14:54] <stuartlewis> -1 as only a video
[14:55] <tdonohue> -1 there's no patch or code offered up
[14:55] <mhwood> 0
[14:55] <scottatm> Is @mire going to release this patch back to DSpace? if so +1, if not -1
[14:55] <ClaudiaJuergen> -1 as there will be some embargo for 1.6
[14:55] <lcs> -1 merge into 1.6 embargo
[14:55] <bollini> -1
[14:55] <canderson34> -1
[14:55] <stuartlewis> Issue can be reopened if patch appears
[14:55] <rrodgers> -1
[14:55] <vy_> 0
[14:55] <bradmc> I think @ mire is releasing back. Until then, -7 mark won't fix on DS-170
[14:55] <stuartlewis> DS-171 - Major/Improvement - Embargo_on_Bitstream_(JSP) - http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS-171 - [unassigned / Charles Kiplagat]
[14:55] <mhwood> "Salo discussion" items are too good to lose but need filling out.
[14:56] <tdonohue> (i agree with mhwood about the salo discussion items)
[14:56] <ClaudiaJuergen> -1 in perspective of the embargo for 1.6
[14:56] <bradmc> Pause after this issue to wrap up and discuss Salo items?
[14:56] <rrodgers> should be reopened with detail
[14:56] <canderson34> -1 merge
[14:56] <keith> is 161 jspui only?
[14:56] <scottatm> at least this one has some detail
[14:56] <keith> oops 171
[14:56] <mhwood> 0
[14:56] <lcs> -1 out of scope for 1.6, worth preserving
[14:56] <stuartlewis> -1
[14:56] <pketienne> 0
[14:56] <bollini> -1
[14:56] <scottatm> 0
[14:57] <bradmc> DS-171 -5, keep for post-1.6 version?
[14:57] <rrodgers> sure
[14:57] * paulojobim (i=bd2d0d02@gateway/web/freenode/x-dlghcmqvhvtnezcm) has joined #duraspace
[14:58] <tdonohue> is this the pause? I think we should think twice before just closing all the items marked "from salo discussion"
[14:58] <canderson34> I have to go, all. Cheers.
[14:58] <stuartlewis> canderson34: Thanks for your input.
[14:58] <bradmc> It's our intention to have Charles (DuraSpace intern) contact original submitters of won't fix items. Is that sufficient for "salo discussion" items, or do we want to do something special here?
[14:58] * canderson34 (n=canderso@lib-banderson.library.gatech.edu) Quit ()
[14:58] <tdonohue> detail is needed, but these are some good issues/points, i believe...maybe ask dorothea if she'd be willing to fill out more details?
[14:59] <stuartlewis> We need to decide how we want to use JIRA. Is it acceptable for high level aspirations to go in there, or only concrete bugs and issues and new features with patches?
[14:59] <mhwood> Those items were gathered from ML discussion. Many quite popular. We shouldn't lose them but all we have in JIRA is titles.
[14:59] <ClaudiaJuergen> it should be open for feature requests too
[14:59] <keith> stuart: +1 for aspirations
[14:59] <tdonohue> i agree with claudia...most of these could be seen as feature requests
[14:59] <bradmc> I think aspirations can go in there, and feedback that they're currently marked as 'won't fix' should help to move them to a next step.
[15:00] <mhwood> JIRA should be a good way to capture wishes, and we need to pay attention to those.
[15:00] <scottatm> It's not useful to keep track of one sentence vague items..... if there is some meet to the issue then we should keep them.
[15:00] <pketienne> +1 for details on feature discussions
[15:00] <bradmc> Otherwise, how do you know that nobody intends to work on it?
[15:00] <bradmc> +1 scottatm
[15:00] <ClaudiaJuergen> at the beginning Dorothea did provide a summary/log of the discussions, they should be on the wiki
[15:00] <bradmc> We can try to have Charles link those details in.
[15:00] <vy_> next step single lines would be good
[15:00] <tdonohue> yes, dorothea did provide details..they didn't make it over, i believe
[15:01] <mhwood> The problem with the JIRA items is that most of the info. didn't get put in.
[15:01] <ClaudiaJuergen> and the headings are often nondescript
[15:01] <bradmc> Shall we set the time for the next Jira review?
[15:01] <stuartlewis> We covered 33 issues today. Thanks! That is about a third of the open issues.
[15:02] <stuartlewis> Personally I'd be happy to hold two more meetings (same time, same place, 7 days apart) to address the reminaing issues before 1.6.
[15:02] <bradmc> +1
[15:02] <mhwood> Good, but may want to vary the time?
[15:02] * ss_ (i=4522b517@gateway/web/freenode/x-ytrttrexdjpzwgow) has joined #duraspace
[15:03] <ClaudiaJuergen> mhwood: good idea a night shift for the US folk once ;)
[15:03] <stuartlewis> Varying the time may get confusing. This seems a good compromise for early evening in Europe, and not too early in Australasia (except for Van who got up at 3am? 4am?)
[15:03] <lcs> +1 though I'd be happy with the night shift too
[15:03] <bradmc> So that Europe gets a 3am?
[15:04] <stuartlewis> So, is anyone not happy with same time next week?
[15:04] <ClaudiaJuergen> would be fair for NZ and AU
[15:04] <bradmc> (I'm open to proposals, I just can't see what time would actually be better for Europe)
[15:04] <lcs> For next time, would you post a URL that gets the list out of JIRA so we can just click "next" to go to the next issue?
[15:04] <bollini> +2h is better for me
[15:05] <stuartlewis> Europeans - are you happy with +2 hours? (8pm GMT)
[15:05] <bradmc> lcs: http://wiki.dspace.org/index.php/JIRA_Cleanup didn't work? Problem with the list from Jira is it can change after the planner preps the meeting.
[15:05] <ClaudiaJuergen> those who won't make it might vote on the wiki
[15:05] <ClaudiaJuergen> as JIRA doesn't allow -1
[15:06] <stuartlewis> So.... same time, or +2 hours next week? (please vote 0 or +2)
[15:06] <rrodgers> 0
[15:06] <bradmc> <abstain>
[15:06] <stuartlewis> <abstain>
[15:06] <tdonohue> (either works)
[15:06] <sands> 0
[15:06] <pketienne> either / or
[15:06] <lcs> 0 either is fine
[15:06] <keith> +2
[15:06] <fnkepler> either
[15:06] <vy_> 0 fine
[15:06] <ClaudiaJuergen> 0
[15:07] <mhwood> very weak 0
[15:07] <bollini> +2
[15:07] <ClaudiaJuergen> but I'm already through with the list and can provide my votes offline
[15:07] <lcs> jira has a voting mechanism too, FWIW
[15:07] <jat_ysu> 0 fine
[15:08] <ClaudiaJuergen> lcs: but just a positive one, or did I miss something
[15:08] <stuartlewis> Looks like 0 wins. So... same time, same channel next week. Thanks all! I'll send out a reminder later this week.
[15:08] * jat_ysu (n=jeffreyt@maag127.maag.ysu.edu) Quit ("Leaving")
[15:08] <stuartlewis> Thanks to everyone who came. Much appreciated.
[15:08] <bradmc> bollini: If you can't make it, I'm happy to have your pre-votes (and for anyone else)
[15:08] <rrodgers> thanks to the moderators
[15:09] <mhwood> Yes, thanks!
[15:09] <lcs> claudia: hmm, true. we could normalize it but that's too complicated.
[15:09] * SamO (i=4a42460e@gateway/web/freenode/x-rrircgtzcavoulyu) Quit ("Page closed")
[15:09] * bradmc points at stuart who did most of the legwork.
[15:09] <lcs> thanks!
[15:09] <bollini> bradmc: I will try to be present, if not I will send you the list
[15:09] <tdonohue> thanks!
[15:09] <pketienne> Thanks all!
[15:09] <vy_> thanks to the organizers
[15:10] * pketienne (n=petienne@lib-petienne.library.gatech.edu) has left #duraspace
[15:10] <mhwood> Wouldn't we want JIRA to support multiple "elections"? Isn't the question here separate from general interest in an item?
[15:10] * vy_ (i=96657970@gateway/web/freenode/x-bwjnpceiybuiygbu) Quit ()
[15:10] * rrodgers (n=rrodgers@dhcp-18-111-15-222.dyn.mit.edu) Quit ()
[15:10] * paulojobim (i=bd2d0d02@gateway/web/freenode/x-dlghcmqvhvtnezcm) Quit ("Page closed")
[15:11] <bollini> tomorrow will be hold the committer meeting?
[15:11] <ClaudiaJuergen> thanks to the organizer
[15:11] <bradmc> Yes, I think that's correct, Mark. Also, I think that we can use the Jira votes as a non-developer counterpoint to 'won't fixed' items.
[15:11] <tdonohue> good question, is there still a committer meeting tomorrow?
[15:11] <lcs> JIRA is open source, sort-of, negative voting could be added.
[15:12] <bradmc> Yes, committer mtg tomorrow at 16:00 GMT
[15:12] <ClaudiaJuergen> we need to get more active use of JIRA in the community
[15:12] <ClaudiaJuergen> sorry, Wednesday is impossible for me
[15:12] <bradmc> That's part of this effort; hopefully our feedback in Jira will get community feedback in response.
[15:12] <tdonohue> excellent...talk to you all tomorrow then...bye
[15:12] * tdonohue (i=80ae241d@gateway/web/freenode/x-qzqvvzyudovlvwtl) has left #duraspace
[15:12] <bradmc> Claudia, is Wednesday always impossible? We could consider moving around a bit.
[15:13] <ClaudiaJuergen> yes it is
[15:13] <ClaudiaJuergen> never mind got the logs
[15:13] <mhwood> But we'd benefit from your input too.
[15:13] * ss_ (i=4522b517@gateway/web/freenode/x-ytrttrexdjpzwgow) Quit ("Page closed")
[15:14] * sands (n=sands@c-24-60-203-182.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has left #duraspace
[15:14] <bollini> I'm need to go... not sure to be present tomorrow
[15:14] <bollini> bye
[15:14] <ClaudiaJuergen> have a nice envening Andrea
[15:15] <bollini> buona notte Claudia
[15:15] * bollini (n=chatzill@host77-9-dynamic.16-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) Quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.0.13/2009073022]")
[15:16] * buckeye1973 (n=brian@dhcp-128-146-63-235.osuwireless.ohio-state.edu) Quit ("Leaving")
[15:17] * mhwood lurking -- got a new drive to insert in a busted RAID.
[15:17] <ClaudiaJuergen> one difficulty with the transition from SF to JIRA is that the owners of the issues were lost
[15:17] <ClaudiaJuergen> no automated notification for them anymore
[15:17] <ClaudiaJuergen> maybe a general call for check the things you submitted originally will help
[15:18] <bradmc> Yes, that's why we intend to try to track down the original submitters of anything we won't fix from above.
[15:18] <bradmc> Hopefully that will get them onto the Jira, and looking at their issues.
[15:19] <ClaudiaJuergen> maybe, but remembereing the average age of ~ 1000 days of an SF tracker it's no wonder that people got demotivated
[15:19] <bradmc> True.
[15:20] <ClaudiaJuergen> at least I was and stopped issueing something and started doing it myself
[15:26] <ClaudiaJuergen> ok, bedtime for me, have a nice day/evening/night all
[15:26] <ClaudiaJuergen> bye
[15:26] <stuartlewis> Bye! Good night.
[15:26] * ClaudiaJuergen (n=Miranda@i5E86B1BF.versanet.de) Quit ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org")
[15:31] * stuartlewis (n=stuartle@ Quit ()
[15:41] * lcs (n=lcs@serenity.hul.harvard.edu) has left #duraspace
[16:15] * jstirnaman (i=a9930319@gateway/web/freenode/x-jbvdvpelndoxffxi) has left #duraspace
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[16:57] * mhwood (i=mwood@mhw.ulib.iupui.edu) Quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[23:47] * bradmc (n=bradmc@207-172-69-79.c3-0.smr-ubr3.sbo-smr.ma.static.cable.rcn.com) has joined #duraspace

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